“Here’s Everything You Need To Build Your Very Own Million Pound Property Empire To Give You The Lifestyle You Were Born For”
Dear Friend, Have you ever attended workshops and seminars, but have nothing to show for it? The event was great, but as soon as you got home, you became disorientated and didn’t know how to start. Or you started great, but then became stuck and didn’t know who to turn to, so you gave up. Does this sound all too familiar? Well it needn’t be like this anymore!
“Here’s Your ‘Once-In-A-Lifetime’ Opportunity To
Why Invest In Property? If you’re reading this website, chances are that you already know the benefits of investing in property so I won’t spend too much time talking about them. I recently read that 8/10 millionaires made their millions through real estate. Whether this statistic is entirely true or not, I don’t know. However, what I do know is that A LOT of people have made their millions from property. In fact, I would even go so far as saying that more millionaires are created from investing in property than any other industry. But be warned, property investing is not a short term get rich quick scheme. Done properly and with guidance, you will gain:
And the good news is that it’s not too difficult for you to become a property millionaire if you follow and learn from those that have already achieved this goal. However, as with any business, not everyone succeeds.
Why Do People Fail?
Investing in property may seem like today’s flavour of the month. However, due to the large amounts of money changing hands, it is not something that you should try without proper training and guidance. There will always be risk associated with any investment you make. However, with the right advice and learning, any risk can be minimised. Property investment should never be treated just as a hobby. It’s a serious business and you need to make an effort to make it work for you. A lot of people fail because they give up! They try one or two techniques recommended to them, find they don’t work and decide property investment requires too much hard work! Or, quite simply they get stuck and don’t know how to move forward. You needn’t be like this. Let me help you to take the first step to the rest of your life……
The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme
Due to the one-to-one personal nature of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, I’ve had to apply strict qualification criteria that you must satisfy to be in for a chance to be one of the 18 people accepted. I will explain the qualification criteria later. But first, let me tell you about the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. For the last 10 years, I have spoken to thousands of aspiring property investors at conferences and property networking events all over the country. What I found over and over again was that a good percentage of people had attended at least one fee paying property seminar in their life, but less than 1% had anything to show for it. A couple of weeks ago, I did some research to see what courses were being offered to help people get into property investment. Quite frankly, I was shocked by the results. I found single day courses and workshops ranging from £500 to £10,000’s. And, that’s not all. I even found several portfolio companies requesting 6 figure sums in return for an ‘off the shelf’ property portfolio!! Let me ask you a couple of questions. Firstly, how much can you honestly learn on a one day seminar or workshop? Secondly, do you really want to part with your hard earned cash for someone to buy a portfolio for you? Sure, you’ll get a couple of houses, but will these houses be profit yielding, and what will the learning be here? Let me ask you another question. Can you honestly learn much in a passive teacher-student environment? An environment where you are lectured to, and you can only ask so many questions. What if you’re shy or don’t like speaking up in a room full of people? Will you ever ask a burning question? Will any questions you do ask ever be answered? Will you ever move forward and buy your first property?
The problem with these courses is that they do not teach you how to start, grow and nourish your business. They will teach you the basics and perhaps even some advanced strategies, but will not guide you through implementation which is where you make the money.
No wonder the success rate is little above 0%! Why Is Mentoring Different?
Other property investors shy away from one-to-one mentoring, preferring instead to fill a room full of people and train them all together. The reason for this is clear – they stand to make much more financially than they would in a one-to-one mentoring programme. Be warned, attending a seminar is NOT mentoring. Although the promoters may call it so, it is anything but. Each of us has different goals and aspirations. Do you honestly think you can achieve your personal goals and aspirations effectively, in a room full of 100+ people? I think not! A mentor will
A mentor will not provide you with a ‘general response that suits all’ to a specific challenge or problem…………….a mentor will hold your hand and help you to find a targeted solution to your situation.
What Is The Millionaire Property
The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is a personal one-to-one development programme that I have taken over three years to develop. This programme is unique in the market and has been developed not just from my own personal experiences as a Property Investor but also as a result of the many hours I have spent questioning people who want to succeed in property, but don’t know how to or where to start. Do you want to become a Property Millionaire this year? If you’ve answered yes to the above question, then the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is for you, so please read on. Conversely, if you are not yet ready to live the lifestyle of a Property Millionaire,
One-to-One Personal Mentoring
The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is designed around 1hr personal mentoring sessions held monthly for 10 months in my Worcestershire office. During these sessions we will together form a strategy to help you to succeed in becoming a Property Millionaire. The only people in the room will be you and me, unless you choose to bring a partner or friend. There will be no interruptions from other people asking silly questions and hence hindering your own progress. You will be my Number 1 priority during these personal mentoring sessions, and hence your likelihood of success will be greatly enhanced. Please do not confuse the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme with other seminars and workshops that you have attended in the past. I could easily have designed a seminar for a hundred people, charged the same price and made a ton of money. However, this is not me. Your success is as important to me as it is to you, hence the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. This is a programme in which I will hold your hand and gently guide you to success. All I ask of you is that you help me help you, by keeping an open mind. The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is a totally flexible programme that will be designed around you, and not me! For example, if you would prefer fewer, but longer sessions because you live more than a days travel from my office, then that is fine. I can accommodate this as I have done for other mentees on this programme.
Here is just a fraction of what you will learn on the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme:
If you were to pay individually for these Personal Face to Face Consultations, I would normally charge you £997 for each consultation.
And there’s more. As part of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, you will also get………
Scheduled Telephone Consultation
In addition to our monthly meetings, I will run scheduled telephone consultations with you to help you to achieve your goals quicker. For the duration of your mentoring, you will get five scheduled 20 minute telephone consultations with me. I would normally charge £497 each for these consultations. These consultations should be enough to kick start any business into action.
** Yours FREE, if you are accepted on the programme today!! **
For the duration of your mentoring I will treat you as part of my family! You will get two emergency 20 minute 999-style private phone consultations with me on an as-you-need basis. This is the first time that I am doing this. These are in addition to the scheduled telephone consultations. If at any time during the millionaire property mentorship programme, you get stuck and don’t know how to move forward, all you need to do is schedule a call with me. I will then juggle any existing appointments I may have to make time for you! Why am I doing this for you? Because I want you to succeed. Your success is important to me. I’m making the effort for you, so I really need you to succeed. I would normally charge £797 each for these consultations.
** Yours FREE, if you are accepted on the programme today!! **
and that’s not all….
Teleconference Calls
You will also be invited to several teleconferences that I run throughout the year. These are great as you’ll hear me grilling other property investors and experts out there. Likewise, I’ll also be grilled by other property experts. A lot of these guys are personal friends and colleagues of mine and you’ll be amazed at the amount of knowledge and get up and go they have. Just a couple of minutes with some of these guys could make all the difference for you. I would normally charge £97 each for these telephone conferences.
** Yours FREE, if you are accepted on the programme today!! **
But there’s more………
Email Consultations
Not only will you have personal and telephone contact with me, you will also receive 5 personal email consultations with me should you need them. You can use these at any time during the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. Just a couple of things to note though, please don’t abuse this service by sending me long novels to read and digest. Also, please don’t expect an instantaneous response from me! Like you I am only human! However, I will do my utmost to respond to you as quickly as I can. This is usually within 48 hours. I would normally charge £497 for each of these consultations.
** Yours FREE, if you are accepted on the programme today!! **
and more…………………
The Millionaire Property Mentorship
Any good mentorship programme would not be complete without a manual. So not only will you have personal access to me, you will also receive a manual to take home with you. Every month, I will give you one module of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Manual. By month 10, you will have received the complete manual to use as a reference guide time and time again
The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Manual contains everything you need to know about property. A valuable resource, where each module is worth £297, thus creating a total value of £2,970.
** Yours FREE, if you are accepted on the programme today!! **
You need never buy another book on property again! By providing you with full programme notes in a beautifully designed manual, you should not need to take rushed notes during our one to one meetings. Instead we can focus on your strategy for success.
Your training will thus continue in your own time at home as well.
12 Killer Reasons Why You Must Join The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Today
Here are 12 killer reasons why you MUST join the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Today:
Killer Reason #1. You Will Receive Personal Training! It’s true there are other mentorship programmes available on the market. However, when looking for a mentorship programme, you need to ask yourself at least the following questions:
Once you are satisfied with your answers to the above, only then should you move forward. During the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, you will be personally mentored by me. You will not have to go through a third party to gain access to me. This is what makes the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme probably the best mentorship programme on the market today.
Killer Reason #2. Strategy And Implementation! It’s widely known that learning strategies is no big deal. It’s the implementation of novel and alien techniques that lets potential property investors down. Unlike a seminar, the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme will not only teach you strategies, but will also help you through the implementation phase, for example I will personally hold your hand as you purchase properties using creative strategies and techniques.
Killer Reason #3. You Will Have Telephone Access To Me! How many mentors do you know that offer this service? By having telephone contact with me, we will be able to iron out any problems as and when they arise. You can also be sure that you won’t miss out on that hugely profitable deal because you got your sums wrong!
Killer Reason #4. You Will Have Email Contact With Me! If you can’t reach me on the phone for whatever reason, you can always send non urgent queries to me by email. This is just another method that will help you to reach your goals quickly.
Killer Reason #5. You Will Receive The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Manual! You will receive your own copy of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Manual in 10 easily digestible modules. This is yours to keep and you will find yourself referring back to it time and time again.
Killer Reason #6. You Are The Company That You Keep! I’m sure you’ve heard this saying before. As you become more and more successful, you will find that you will no longer be attracted to your whinging friends who never seem to get anywhere in life. Instead, by spending time with successful entrepreneurs, you too will become successful in business. A lot of my previous mentees have now become good friends of mine!
Killer Reason #7. You Will Not Get A Sales Pitch! Have you noticed how a lot of presenters at workshops and seminars try to sell you more stuff at the event? I can safely say that I will not try to sell you off plan flats, plots of land or dodgy terraces in a shady parts of Liverpool during your mentoring. It’s true, if I was to do this, I would make £100,000s’, however I’d be doing you a disservice. My role as your mentor is to help and guide you to succeed, not to screw you through some dubious deal that will make me money, but bankrupt you. Hence, Rest Assured, I won’t do it.
Killer Reason #8. You Will Make Several Times Over Your Initial Investment! Just one good or mediocre property deal is all you need to get back your initial investment in this programme. I will hold your hand and guide you through any deals during your mentorship training and will personally ensure that you succeed. Any money that you make from being mentored is yours to keep!
Killer Reason #9. Your Investment May Be Classed As A Business Expense! Any investment in yourself for your business may be offset against any profits that you make. All you need to do is speak to your accountant or tax advisor and he/she will clarify your tax position. So, you really do have no excuse not to invest in your own personal training.
Killer Reason #10. It Doesn’t Matter What Level You Come In At! Sometimes when you go to a seminar you may find the presenter spending 3/4s of the day on stuff that you already know. You leave feeling that you haven’t really learnt anything. This is not the case in the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. Here, I will only go at your pace. If you need me to go over something more than once, then that’s fine I can do that. Likewise, if you want to go straight on to the advanced techniques, we can do that too.
Killer Reason #11. You Will Have Exclusive Access To My Advisors! You will get exclusive access to my advisors should you need them. This includes my team of accountants, solicitors and financial advisors. In fact, if you were to find the right deal, I can through my contacts and associates arrange for your deal to be 100% financed. That means no money down – you don’t pay a penny to buy the property. Can’t really beat that, can you?
Killer Reason #12. You Will Come In At A Low Price! If you apply for the programme today and are accepted, I will guarantee you will join the programme at the price stated on this website. However, due to the exclusive nature of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, vacancies do not come up often. To guarantee your low price, I can only recommend you don’t wait too long to apply. Why Choose Me As Your Mentor?
For those of you that know of me, you may choose to skip this section. However, if you haven’t heard of me before than please read on. Several years ago, I used to work for a well know coffee house, standing all day making coffee, clearing tables and serving and pleasing my customers. On a good week, I would bring home just over £100. I was earning a measly £4.50 an hour. I later received a massive pay rise to £4.75 an hour – that really made my day! I still own some of the pay slips from my days of making coffee. I may even sometimes look at them to remind me of where I came from. You are welcome to visit me at my offices any time and take a look at these yourself if you so wish. I wasn’t able to do a full 37.5 hours a week because there just wasn’t that much work available. I could easily have got a second job. However, I didn’t do this. Instead I used my spare time wisely by re-educating myself. At that time, I was renting for around £50 per week. I was thus living on around £50 per week. Yes you heard me right. £50pw!! £50pw isn’t much, I’m sure you’ll agree with me. I could easily have blown this on: A good weekend clubbing it. However, this is exactly what I didn’t do. Instead, 80% of my net pay went on such things as:
I especially loved the freebie seminars, as they cost me nothing. However, I found them to be great places to network and meet other aspiring and established property investors. Admittedly, some of the stuff I bought was rubbish. However, every now and again, I would come across some golden nuggets of information. Nuggets that would later make me an absolute fortune……….
Where Am I Today?
Although times were hard way back then, I always had faith and knew that the hard work I put in would pay off in years to come. I always made a special effort to mix with successful people and learn from them, and above all I never gave up trying. Over time, I began thinking and behaving like these successful entrepreneurs. I then started buying property. First one, then another, and another…. The rest as they say is history. Today, I would class myself as a successful Property Investor. Just to provide you with an inkling of where I am today here are a small selection of my projects:
Not bad for a coffee boy hey? If you doubt me in any way, you are welcome to visit any of my properties and judge for yourself.
Show Me Some Proof!
“Seek mentors who have done
Today, there are a lot of people training others to do something they’ve never done themselves! Do you follow me? A friend of mine recently attended a property seminar run by a well known organisation. After the presentation, she asked the presenter a very simple question any decent property investor should have known. He was unable to answer the question. No big deal, you may say. However, when she spoke to the presenter in the bar afterwards, he told her in confidence that he had never actually bought any investment property himself. In fact, the only house he owned was the one he lived in. And even then, his wife had bought it! So to dispel any myths and concerns you may have about me, I’ve included here a few cheques I have received from recent property deals. You are more than welcome to ring up the respective solicitors and ask them if they did indeed issue the cheques to me. Alternatively, you could always visit me at my offices where I will show you copies of the original cheques along with bank statements proving that I really did cash these cheques!
(cheque for £40,448.37!)
Here’s another one:
(cheque for £62,986.74!)
…and another:
(cheque for £29,298.42!)
Why am I showing you all this? It’s not because I like to show off! I am merely impressing upon you that earning £100,000’s from property every year is not all that difficult. In fact, it’s easier than working in any 9-5 day job, once you know how.
Do You Want More Proof?
I receive testimonials from satisfied customers all the time. Here are some recent testimonials:
and a few more…………
How Much Does It Cost To Join The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme?
What is the cost of attaining financial freedom? Think about this just for one minute. How much would you pay to be able to do what you like when you like, safe in the knowledge that your properties are providing you with a passive income today and will do so until the end of your days? I am offering to mentor just a select few motivated individuals. This mentoring is sure to be instrumental in your quest to achieving ultimate financial freedom. As I do not intend to offer one to one mentoring for very long due to the constraints on my time, I have created five price points to the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. I am currently offering places at Phase I of this exclusive programme. Once, I have completed my quota for Phase I, we will move to Phase II, then Phase III, Phase IV and finally Phase V. Phase V is the final Phase of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. When I have reached Phase V, this programme will be closed. No amount of begging and arm twisting will make me open up the programme again. Yes, that’s it! At the end of Phase V, I will no longer offer one-to-one mentoring as I will have achieved my personal goals of helping enough people to achieve their goals too. I began this programme in response to several requests from people wishing to achieve financial freedom from property but not knowing where and how to start. The job of a mentor is not an easy one. I hold myself personally responsible for your success. That’s why it’s so important for me that you do well. I can therefore only really offer the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme to a very select few motivated individuals. The maximum number of people I will take on in any one year is 18. There are no exceptions to this rule. So you will have to be quick as my waiting list is growing as we speak. However, if you’re not yet ready to be mentored, that’s not a problem. There’s always next year or the year after……. Certainly the price will be greater then. However, it doesn’t matter what Phase you come into the programme at, as even Phase V is terrific value for money. But, if you umm and ahhh for too long then there is a serious chance that I will not be able to mentor you as my Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme will close its doors. So take ACTION Now!
*plus vat
Please note Phase II of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme could commence tomorrow. In fact, by the time you next visit this website, we may already be on Phase II of the Programme. At present, the cost of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is only £3,997+vat. This is payable by a £500 deposit and 10 affordable monthly instalments of £349.70. However, if you wish to pay in full, then I offer a £1,000 discount off the cost of the programme. In this instance you will pay a deposit of £500+vat followed by a one-off lump payment of £2,497+vat. You could even charge this to a 0% interest credit card if you so wish. It’s true, I could easily charge more than ten times as much as what I’m charging for the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. I have already been berated by my property investor friends, but I’m sticking to my guns on this one as it’s close to my heart. When I first designed this programme, I was thinking back to the days before I started in property. Those were the worst days of my life. I was living on beans and toast and had no direction in life. The little money I did have went on basic survival and the rest on personal development. This investment in myself is what saved me from a life of almost certain doom. I’m sure some of you are in a similar situation today as I was then. I want to be able to help you most of all. The last thing I want is for this programme to be exclusive to those who already have money. And that’s the honest truth. I want to mentor as many people as I physically can regardless of your background and financial status. The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is amazing value for money. and that’s not all……
You Can Bring A Friend Too!
Some people learn better with other people. If this is you, and you have a spouse or friend who also wants to achieve financial freedom too then you can upgrade your membership for just £997 + vat. Unlike other programmes which limit membership to spouses, I am happy to accept any friend as an alternative. Can’t get fairer than that can I? Two people for £3,994 + vat. That’s only £1,997 + vat each! So, let me recap my offer to you For the first 18, 11, 3, 1
1 space left
For the next person who signs up, you pay only £2,997+vat if you pay in full, for a place on my PERSONAL One-to-One Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme. .
So you gota be QUICK. Snooze and you’ll lose!
That's about as fair as it gets, don't you agree? But I tell you what I'll also do to make this the best investment you ever make. I'm going to throw in some FREE bonuses which could literally turn you into a Successful Property Guru in a matter of days! So if you apply for the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme TODAY, here's what I'll do….
Your Free Bonuses For Joining Today
As I’m committed to helping you to achieve your goals QUICKLY and efficiently, I thought I’d help you get a flying start. Sign Up TODAY And You Will Receive YES, you heard me Right.
Why Am I Giving You These Particular Bonuses?
Why don’t I just give you some books on property? The reason for this is simple. Before I can mentor you I need you to prepare yourself for success. I can only help you if you are ready to take this journey. I don’t want to waste your time, money and effort on something you are not ready for. Does that make sense? To be successful in anything, you need to be ready mentally. These books will help you here. If you have previously read the above books, great, you’re half way there already. Why don’t you take a moment and go through the books again. You will definitely benefit. If you are successful and join me on the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, all I ask of you is that you read these books at least once during the programme. If you can’t make the time to read the books and are not prepared to put the effort in to succeed, then I’m afraid the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is not for you. I can only help you, if you make an effort to help yourself. finally…… You MUST Meet The Following Four
Qualification Criteria #1. Personal Motivation In order to succeed in anything, you need to be motivated to do well. On the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, I will do everything in my power to help you to become the Property Millionaire you know you can be. However, you will need to make an effort too, for without this effort, you will get nowhere. If I sense that you do not have the desire or fire to succeed, then I will not take your application any further. I’m sorry, but this is just the way it has to be. So, please only apply if you are ready to succeed.
Qualification Criteria #2. Full payment is required by all The current cost of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is a steal at £2,997+vat if you pay in full. There are no exceptions even for friends, business associates and colleagues. An immediate deposit of £500 will be required whether you choose to pay in full or in instalments. The remainder of the balance or the first instalment of the payment plan will be due at our first meeting. If you are financially constrained and need to sell your home or elements of your body to medical research to be able to fund the programme, then I strongly suggest now is not the right time for you. The Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is a unique mentorship programme. As your goals, aspirations and questions are totally different to everybody else’s your mentorship training will be tailored around you to match your requirements. I would urge you to look around for other personal mentorship programmes that offer this kind of service for this price. I did a quick survey last week and found that there are indeed other workshops, courses and mentorship programmes on the market. However a lot of these require a minimum investment of £10,000 up to £100,000 plus a share of the profits! So, I ask you again, is £2,997 a lot to ask for a personal one-to-one mentorship programme? If you were to buy just one property as a result of my mentoring, the cost of this programme would feel totally and utterly insignificant. Whether you make a profit of £10,000, £20,000 or even £50,000 on your first property, it doesn’t matter. This profit will be a result of your hard work and effort and will be yours to keep.
Qualification Criteria #3. 100% Confidentiality During the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme you will be privy to a lot of trade secrets that I and other successful property investors use every day. These secrets cannot be learnt at any University or College. Enrolling on this programme will mean that you agree never to publish, resell or distribute in any way the techniques that I will teach you. However, everything you learn can be used solely for your own business activities and can be shared with family members and business associates.
Qualification Criteria #4. Don’t just throw your money at me! As explained to you before, the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is an exclusive programme that will not suit everybody. As such, there will be an application form to complete so that I can be sure that the programme is right for you before I can accept you. I am always inundated by people throwing their money at me, pleading me to mentor them. Unfortunately, this is not how I work. If you send me a cheque without completing the application process, I will return it to you. The only way for you to successfully enrol on the mentorship programme is by application. No exceptions whatsoever.
In Case You’ve Forgotten, Let Me Recap My Offer To You
So, How Do I Register? If you are convinced that you are ready to succeed and want a place on the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme, then this is what you need to do.
Final word: if you are serious about succeeding in the property business, the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme should not be seen as an option – it should form part of your greater plan to success. It’s all up to you now. You owe it to yourself and your family to do well so that you can provide for them whether you work or not.
Wishing you a great success.
Warm Regards,
P.S. - Remember, to qualify for the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme you need to apply for a place by clicking here now to complete your confidential application. DO NOT send me a cheque as I will return it. P.P.S. – The current price for the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme is £2,997+vat if you pay in full. I only have one place left to qualify for this price. Once I have achieved my quota, this price will increase. I will NOT reduce the price again. Postal delays and slow internet connections will not be accepted as excuses. There will be no exceptions whatsoever. P.P.P.S. – Whether you decide to join the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme today or not is entirely up to you. However, I must warn you that I have thousands of subscribers to my property courses all keen to become property millionaires. I can only mentor a very limited number of people. Once, I have reached my quota for this year the doors will be closed. I will then accept no further applications. If and when I do have further vacancies on the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme they will very likely be at the higher price point. P.P.P.P.S. – If you were to make just one property deal as a result of the Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme you’d make many times your investment back. Take ACTION Now. You owe it to yourself to make something of your life.
© 2007-2012 Javaid Kiyani – All Rights Reserved Millionaire Property Mentorship Programme Tel. 0845 2242157 |